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It is 2017 and the world continues to change. We in the US will be swearing in a new president, one whom there has been conflict around. There have been great divisions on topics such as gender, sex equality, racism and how to respond to the growing violence and terrorism.  I have heard much anger and fear in the news, on social media and in coffee shop conversations daily.

Magnifying anger and fear simply breeds more of this. Magnifying the positive changes each of us can make in order to contribute to the world becoming a better place is where I invite you to shift your focus and mindset towards.

BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world!

If you want love, unity, peace and healing WHAT STEPS CAN YOU personally take to add these things in the world? Many of us want to look outward and fix ouster problems, but maybe our part, our contribution is to heal and grow ourselves along with taking outer steps to contribute to positive change. As you know by now, myself and IWA are passionate about contributing to positive change in ourselves, our team, our students and the community both locally and globally!

In about 30 days, IWA is headed to Nicaragua to work with a group of courageous women, that are working to overcome a grueling set of circumstances, domestic abuse, lack of work and extreme poverty. The Padre Ramos community has been rebuilding after a series of natural disasters, extreme poverty and a lack of resources. Journey, the organization we are partnering with, has been there for a few years meeting some basic human needs and helping to rebuild homes and schools.

Now the community is ready to get support and resources to heal themselves and change their future conditions.

For 5 days, we will be conducting IWA workshops and providing one-on-one Integrative Coaching sessions free to the community. Using tools and training we are dedicated to empowering this community to learn how to rebuild their community towards wholeness.

This service trip is an opportunity to advance the IWA mission to spread healing and wholeness to the world… and we invite you to be a part of this journey!

Three major ways you can participate in this service trip.


There is still space for more coaches and students to come and be a part of this incredible journey. Click HERE for more info and to register.


We would love your help making sure we have all of the resources to fully support this community. Click HERE to donate.


Share ALL of this information and the donation link with your tribe, and recruit them to get involved.

As you know, we are all connected. We are planting seeds to help grow this community into a place of healing for the immediate community, surrounding areas, and for future generations. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause. Every single drop of water when combined with other drops can create a flood of change. Please add your drop whether through joining us, donating or simply by sharing this on social media. Be the change!

In wholeness,